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BOSS Lab - Startup Intake Questionnaire

Pillsbury formed BOSS Lab to help reimagine the startup environment. We are partnering with founders to support their businesses and provide access to the additional tools, knowledge and networks necessary to secure funding and position their companies for long-term success. To be considered for the program, please complete this brief questionnaire. A member of the Pillsbury team will be in touch to arrange an initial conversation about your business and objectives.
3. Has the company already been formed? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
4. Please provide the following information regarding the company's founders: *This question is required.
Space Cell Founder NameLinkedIn ProfileFull-time Founder? (Y/N)
Founder #1
Founder #2 (if applicable)
Founder #3 (if applicable)
Founder #4 (if applicable)
Founder #5 (if applicable)
This contact should be one of the company founders listed above.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid number format.
8. Has anyone from your company previously been in contact with Pillsbury? *This question is required.
Please try to include all founders in the video. Do not worry about production quality. This is only being requested so that we can get to know you better; a cell phone video will do so long as it covers the following:
  • What problem is your company trying to solve and what solution are you proposing?
  • Where does your company currently stand in terms of formation/ funding?
  • Why would you like to join the Pillsbury BOSS Lab?