The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) launched the Rent and Mortgage Relief Program (RMRP) to support and ensure housing stability across the commonwealth during the coronavirus pandemic. More details on the Virginia program can be found here:
The agency would like to identify any localities that have local rent relief programs across the commonwealth. The purpose of this survey is to ensure coordination between the state and local response and find out where the state can target resources and outreach to maximize the positive benefit of housing resources. The purpose of the survey is only to identify localities that are offering a rent relief effort to gain an understanding of what programs are available and how DHCD can partner with local governments on these efforts.
For any questions please contact Kristen Dahlman 804-371-7017 or
1. Please provide your name, email address (for follow-up purposes), and the locality that you represent. *This question is required.