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My Local Cooperative Training Request

NAAE My Local Cooperative Training Request

Background of Program
The National Association of Agricultural Educators with support from the CHS Foundation as a special project of the National FFA Foundation developed the My Local Cooperative initiative to educate the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs about the benefits and opportunities of agriculture cooperatives. My Local Cooperative contains resources, tools and instructional modules to educate others about the role of agriculture cooperatives and agriculture cooperative career opportunities. My Local Cooperative has trained teacher facilitators who are available to provide state or regional level training to other teachers who want to include cooperatives in their classroom instruction. 

Statement of Collaboration and Responsibilities:
My Local Cooperative workshops may be conducted at the regional and/or state level.  NAAE will provide programming support and funding to assist with the planning and implementation of the training. Brand and quality standards include (1) The program will consist of at least 60 minutes of professional development related to cooperatives (2) The program will be coordinated by a facilitator approved by NAAE
  1. NAAE will:
  1. Fund program materials and facilitation of the program including travel and stipend for NAAE facilitator.
  2. Develop agenda and training details around the regional/state schedule.
  3. Provide promotional materials (flyer and social media promos) to be used in the promotion of the training at the region/state level. 
  4. Certify the professional development hours for each participant and provide an electronic certificate as evidence of those hours. 
  5. Provide additional support as the two parties deem necessary.
  1. Region/State will:
  1. Identify a planning and site coordinator to assist with set-up and logistics throughout the process. 
  2. Ensure a minimum of 15 participants attend the training 
  3. Provide a place/room/platform for training to accommodate the size of the group and is accessible for teachers within the region/state.
  4. Provide audio/visual and room set up for training including microphone (on-site only) 
  5. Promote training through appropriate channels using promotional materials provided by NAAE.
  6. Provide recognition to NAAE and the supporting sponsors for the training.
  7. Provide additional support as the two parties deem necessary. 

For more information about this training, please contact:
Ashley Rogers
Program Manager- Professional Development & Teacher Recruitment and Retention

National Association of Agricultural Educators 