OESIS Pathways are offered to OESIS members only. If you would like to join, please click here. For more information regarding OESIS Faculty PD Pathways, click here.This form is designed for schools that are registering multiple faculty members through a central source. Please read the instructions at the end of this form regarding the organization of the spreadsheet required for registration.
Each pathway takes 8-10 hours of work minimum, has submissions that are evaluated by a Network Leader, includes participation in discussions, should generally be completed within 30 days from enrollment, and comes with a Teacher portfolio that harbors the OESIS verified badge on completion.
The identifying information below refers to the person who is arranging for group registration.
This question requires a valid email address.
8. Please upload an Excel Spreadsheet in the following format:
Email Address |
First Name |
Last Name |
School Name |
Years of experience teaching |
Department/Division |
Cohort Pathway Selection |
Summer Session Start |
Cohort Pathway Selections:
Intro PBL
Level 1 PBL
Intro SEL
Level 1 SEL
Intro CBE
Level 1 CBE
Intro Cultural Competency
Intro Grading for Transparency
Intro Critical Thinking & Argumentation
Intro Designing STEAM Programs
Flex-Blended Learning
Summer Session Start Selections (2020):
June 15, 2020
June 30, 2020
July 15, 2020
July 30, 2020
*This question is required.
Please upload a Google Sheet in the following format:
Email Address |
First Name |
Last Name |
School Name |
Years of experience teaching |
Department/Division |
Cohort Pathway Selection |
Summer Session Start |
Cohort Pathway Selections:
Intro PBL
Level 1 PBL
Intro SEL
Level 1 SEL
Intro CBE
Level 1 CBE
Intro Cultural Competency
Intro Grading for Transparency
Intro Critical Thinking & Argumentation
Intro Designing STEAM Programs
Flex-Blended Learning
Summer Session Start Selections (2020):
June 15, 2020
June 30, 2020
July 15, 2020
July 30, 2020