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Application Form (COVID 19 Study)

Please share the link to this application to anyone you know who has or had COVID-19

Study of adults who have tested positive for COVID 19

Goal:  For adults with a positive test for COVID 19, we are offering free testing of vitamin D and other nutrients.  Vitamin D is important for regulating the immune system, and several recent published scientific articles have hypothesized that low vitamin D may increase the severity of COVID 19 infections.  Also, there are now three clinical trials of vitamin D for treating COVID 19 infections going on worldwide.

Eligibility:  Ages 18+ years with proven COVID 19 infection.  People who are asymptomatic, recovered, or with any level of current symptoms, are invited to apply.

What does the study involve?
  • A single blood draw to measure levels of vitamin D and other nutrients. (5 minutes)
  • Completing a medical history form (5 minutes, online or by phone)
  • Completing a form about COVID-19 symptoms every 2 weeks for 6 weeks (5 minutes each time, 4 times total, online or by phone)

Benefits for Participating:  Participants will receive a copy of their test results for vitamin D and other nutrients.  Also, the information will help us learn if vitamin D is associated with severity of COVID 19 infections.

Compensation:  Participants will receive $50 for participation.

Follow-on Treatment Study:  Participants with low levels of vitamin D will be invited to participate in a treatment study of vitamin D to try to reduce symptoms of COVID 19.

You can email us with any questions at

If you want to support the fight against COVID 19, please donate HERE.