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Rate Your Chapter Online Meetings

This exercise is designed to help you determine if your Chapter is doing everything it can to ensure its
success. Please truthfully rate the frequency of each statement using the point system below to find out how
your Chapter rates.
2. Please rate on a scale of 0 to 4:
Never Seldom About 50% of the Time Almost Always Always
0 1 2 3 4
Space Cell 01234
1. The Chapter Leadership Team arrives at least 15 minutes early to set up and/or plan that day’s meeting.
2. The Visitor Hosts arrive at least 15 minutes early to greet visitors and introduce them to members.
3. All members wear their name badges.
4. All members arrive on time or prior to Open Networking/Soundcheck.
5. A chat respondent is designated in each meeting.
6. The formal part of the meeting starts punctually.
7. Members mute their microphone when not speaking.
8. A BNI core value is shared each week.
9. The President personally introduces and welcomes new members.
10. During the Weekly Presentations, all members give a new bit of information each week about their business or product, case studies, specials or specific examples of referral requests.
11. Visitors are welcomed and introduced properly during the meeting so they feel comfortable and are asked to take part in the Visitor Orientation.
12. The President discusses Chapter goals and new ideas for building and strengthening the Chapter.
13. The Vice President reviews the monthly Chapter statistics using the Chapter Goal Board.
14. Each week, the Secretary/Treasurer reviews the speaker rotation for the next 4 to 6 weeks.
15. The Secretary/Treasurer’s introduction of the speaker is thorough, positive, informative and engaging.
16. The Featured Speakers are prepared for their presentation including a thoughtful door prize.
17. During the Member Contribution portion of the meeting, members give a referral and/or a testimonial.
18. Chapter members give valid qualified referrals.
19. The Secretary/Treasurer announces members up for renewal and lets visitors know how to apply.
20. The Membership Committee periodically gives a report on what they are doing to strengthen the Chapter.
21. The Chapter meeting ends on time.
22. New Member Orientations and Visitor Orientations are conducted.
23. SuccessNet articles, BNI® books and podcasts are discussed during the Networking Education Moment.
24. Your Chapter uses Meeting Stimulants, worksheets or exercises available to them.
25. Your Chapter is a positive, supportive, and professional place to be.
26. The location and atmosphere of your Chapter meeting is conducive to a professional business meeting where you would feel proud to bring your best client.
27. You feel so comfortable with the performance of your Chapter that you have no problem inviting people to see what your BNI Chapter is all about.