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Pets during the COVID confinement (UK)


Welcome to this survey on the impact of the official COVID-19 confinement on people's pets.

We are investigating the effect the official confinement is having on the relationship people have with their pets, as well as the behaviour of pets and their quality of life.

This study is being carried out by veterinary behaviourists from the Royal Veterinary College in London, the Affinity Foundation for Animals and Health in Barcelona (Department of Psychiatry at the Autonomous University of Barcelona), and the University of Pisa.

Please help us, the survey will take less than 10-15 minutes.

Although some demographic information is being collected the survey and its results will be completely anonymous.
If you feel that answering questions relating to your wellbeing and that of your pet will cause you distress then please do not continue
The results of the survey will be used for scientific purposes, and to develop ways to help people and their pets during the ongoing movement restrictions.

If you are concerned about any issues arising from the COVID confinement, which may be raised in this survey, please go to
Ethical approval (RVC SSRERB): URN SR2020-0171
For queries about this survey please contact
1. If you currently live in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and agree to participate in this study, please select “Yes” and proceed to the survey. *This question is required.