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CamBright-Dynata COVID 19 Survey


Your opportunity to join together with others and make your voices be heard.

Everyone has been affected by COVID 19 and the hardships that it brought to our lives - layoffs, loss of income, working from home, business closings, reduced medical services, day care closings, travel restrictions. 

CamBright Research is reaching out to people across the nation to learn more about what you are experiencing and the type of help you need.  Summary results will be shared with media partners and state and local planning agencies so they will understand the the challenges you face.

The questions are personal and you may feel uncomfortable or unwilling to answer. Therefore, we have made this survey
anonymous, private, and voluntary.
  • No one will know your identity.
  • Results will be grouped by region for presentation.
  • You may skip any question you don't want to answer (but we hope you answer them all)
Click the next button (or right arrow) at bottom of screen to go to next question. 

Please complete the survey today. When you are done, you will land on the CamBright Research home page and you can see how your answers compare to the nation. 
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