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2020 Materials Handling Information Resources Study

1. Which best describes your organization?
3. How important are each of these topics to you in your job as it pertains to materials handling?
Space Cell Extremely importantVery importantSomewhat importantNot very importantNot at all important
Information on material handling systems and equipment
Information for helping to build a business case for buying new products
Information of automation and robotics
Information on warehousing solutions
Case studies/best practices
Product/technology/equipment information
Information on distribution center solutions
Industry news
Information on manufacturing solutions
4. Which of the following publications do you receive in your own name?
5. How often would you say you read each publication? *This question is required.
Space Cell 4 out of every 4 issues3 out of every 4 issues2 out of every 4 issues1 out of every 4 issuesLess than 1 out of every 4 issues/New reader
Modern Materials Handling
Material Handling & Logistics
DC Velocity
MHI Solutions
6. Thinking about all the times you pick up an issue during a month, about how much time do you spend reading . . . ?
Space Cell Less than 15 minutes15 – 29 minutes30 – 44 minutes45 – 59 minutes1 hr – 1 1/2 hrsMore than 1 ½ hrs
MHI Solutions
Material Handling & Logistics
Modern Materials Handling
DC Velocity
7. Compared to a year ago, would you say you are reading . . .
Space Cell MoreThe sameLess
Modern Materials Handling
DC Velocity
Material Handling & Logistics
MHI Solutions
8. And, of these publications, which ONE would you say you read the most? *This question is required.
9. Now, for each statement please indicate which one publication. . .
Space Cell DC VelocityMHI SolutionsModern Materials HandlingMaterial Handling & Logistics
has the best information on distribution center solutions
is the best for product/technology/equipment information
has the best case studies/best practices
is best for industry news
has the best information on warehousing solutions
has the best information on material handling systems and equipment
is most valuable for information on automation and robotics
helps me build a business case for buying new products
has the best information on manufacturing solutions
is most useful to you in your job
10. If you could read ONLY ONE of these, which one would it be? *This question is required.
11. Which magazine's websites have you visited within the last 3 months?
12. Over the last 3 months, about how often would you say you visited . . . ?
Space Cell DailyA few times a weekOnce a weekA few times a monthOnce a monthLess than once a month (Modern Materials Handling) (MHI Solutions) (Material Handling & Logistics) (DC Velocity)
13. Now, please indicate which one magazine’s website you . . .
Space Cell
visit most often for news, case studies and trends
visit most often for archived information and articles
visit most often for product-related information
visit most often for online directories
14. Now, thinking back over the last 3 months, for each website below, which actions have you taken?
Space Cell Attended a webcastInformed or passed information on to a colleagueDownloaded a white paper or briefPrinted a feature or articleVisited an advertisers website as a result of something I saw on the website/read in the magazineClicked on an adViewed an advertiser-sponsored video
15. Which one publication/website would you most likely recommend to your peers? And, which one publication/website would you recommend to your boss?
Space Cell MHI Solutions/mhisolutionsmag.comDC Velocity/dcvelocity.comMaterial Handling & Logistics/mhlnews.comModern Materials Handling/
Recommend to peers
Recommend to boss
Thank you for your time and help!!