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Active Bald Eagle Nest Report

North Dakota Game and Fish Department Active Bald Eagle Nest Reporting Form
Contact information
Preferred contact type
This question requires a valid email address.
Is the nest visible? *This question is required.
Nest location *This question is required.
Nearest town
(Only fill out the following three fields if you answered "Nearest Town" to the "Nest location" question above.)
(Only fill out the following two fields if you answered "Latitude/Longitude" to the "Nest location" question above.)
Legal land description
(Only fill out the following 4 fields if you answered "Legal Description" to the "Nest location" question above.)
(TIP: Legal Descriptions can be found on your tax statement, warranty deed, plat books or identifying information. Please contact the Department if you need help determining your legal description.)
1. Nest Photos
(Note: Only photograph nests from a distance. Do not disturb birds just to get a photo as you may cause them to abandon the nest.)