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Worthington Haz Mit survey

Worthington Hazard Mitigation & Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Community Survey

Households can mitigate and prepare for natural hazards, which may be exacerbated by the climate crisis, in order to prevent and lessen damage to property and to reduce or eliminate injuries and loss of life. The actions you take can make a big difference for you, your family, your neighbors and for our Town. Please complete this survey as soon as possible as your input will help inform Worthington's Hazard Mitigation plan update and our Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) work. Thank you!
1. First we would like to know about your experiences involving natural hazards and your exposure to preparedness information--during the past five years in Worthington, have you or someone in your household experienced a natural disaster such as a severe windstorm, microburst, flood, or other type of natural disaster? *This question is required.
2. How concerned are you about natural disasters/climate disaster preparedness in Worthington? *This question is required.
4. Prior to receiving this survey, did you know that Worthington has a Hazard Mitigation plan? You can review the Town's 2010 plan here:   *This question is required.
5. Community assets  are features, characteristics, or resources that either make a community unique or allow a community to function--in your opinion, which of the following categories are most susceptible to the impacts of natural/climate hazards in Worthington?  *This question is required.
Space Cell very importantimportantneutralnot very importantnot at all important
Human--loss of life and/or injuries
Economic-business closures and/or job losses
Infrastructure--damage or loss of bridges/roads, electricity, water, etc
Cultural/Historic--damage or loss of libraries, historic structures
Environmental--damage or loss of forests/trees, waterways, etc
Governance--ability to maintain order and/or provide public services
6. Next we would like to know what specific types of community assets are most important to you: *This question is required.
Space Cell very importantsomewhat importantneutralnot very importantnot at all important
Elderly Housing/Senior Services
Worthington Health Center
Fire/Police station
Historic buildings
Town Hall
Natural environment
Community gathering spaces
7. A number of activities can reduce Worthington's risk from natural/climate disasters/hazards. These activities can be both regulatory and non-regulatory. Please check the box that best reflects your level of support for the following activities: *This question is required.
Space Cell strongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreenot sure
Residents making their homes as disaster resilient as possible
Using local tax dollars to reduce risks and losses from natural/climate disasters
Protecting historical and cultural resources
Improving the disaster preparedness of our school
Disclosing natural hazard risks during real estate transactions
8. Natural hazards (possibly exacerbated by the climate crisis) can have a significant impact on Worthington, but planning for these inevitable events can help lessen the impacts. Please tell us how important each of the following is to you: *This question is required.
Space Cell very importantsomewhat importantneutralnot very importantnot important
Protecting private property
Protecting critical facilities--shelters, Emergency Operating Center (EOC), Police/Fire
Preventing development in natural hazard areas
Enhancing the function of natural features--facilitating/enabling nature-based solutions
Protecting historical/cultural landmarks
Protecting and reducing damage to utilities--electricity, water
Strengthening emergency services
Disclosing natural hazards during real estate transactions
Promoting cooperation among Town, residents, not for profits, businesses
9. Households can do a LOT to help Worthington respond to natural/climate disasters--please let us know what you have already done and/or are doing: *This question is required.
Space Cell Have DonePlan to doNot doneUnable to do
Attended meetings or received written information on disaster preparedness
Talked with members in household about what to do in case of a natural/climate disaster
Developed a household/family emergency plan in order to decide what everyone should do in the event of a disaster
Prepared or purchased a disaster supply kit/materials to enable you to shelter in place for up to 3 days
In the last year has anyone in your household been trained in First Aid or CPR?
10. Please indicate your age range *This question is required.
11. Please indicate how long you/your family has lived in Worthington: *This question is required.
Thank you very much for completing this survey. We are updating our Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan and participating in the Commonwealth's Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) certification process. Having an up-to-date Hazard Mitigation Plan and being a certified MVP community in MA make the Town eligible to apply for up to $2 million in State funds annually and significant federal funds. For more information on MVP, go to: and for more information on FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding go to:
If you would like to volunteer or learn more about Worthington's Disaster Preparedness work, please contact