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The present Confirmation of enrollment is a legally binding contract, (enforceable by Law) between UHA/UBLE (the seller) Located at 15446 Sherman Way , California 91406 and the signer of this application ( The buyer) , in addition, ratifies what is spoken by telephone and will give you the right to begin with the program of studies and the corresponding consultations or tutorials, also establish the academic relationship with the Department of Professional Orientation and access to the Virtual Classroom of Studies. Please start as you wish ...
La presente Confirmación de Inscripción es un acuerdo vinculante entre UHA y el Firmante de este documento. Entiendo que UHA me entregará "servicios de aprendizaje como educación y capacitación" a través de un curso de estudio en línea. Se acuerda o declara que usted o el firmante de este documento ha recibido toda la información de los materiales, servicios, derechos y está totalmente de acuerdo con la información proporcionada. También reconoce haber recibido su nombre de usuario y contraseña personal para comenzar su curso en el Aula Virtual de Estudios, si ha adquirido la suscripción opcional para todos los servicios en vivo. Además, comprende que con su firma y aceptación de esta confirmación de la compra de suscripción opcional, la institución le otorgará el inicio de los siguientes servicios académicos;1) Orientación: de cómo gestionar el programa de estudios,2) Corrección de exámenes,3) Consultas Académicas,4) Además de la emisión del Diploma de finalización al culminar el programa.
También entiendo que UHA no otorga ninguna Licencia.Los maestros de Uble podrán ser cambiados de acuerdo a la disponibilidad que exista en el momento (no hay garantía del mismo maestro).Además, ambas partes adquieren la obligación contractual originada por este acuerdo, entiendo que si no asisto a las clases en vivo , igualmente deberé cumplir con este acuerdo en su totalidad.
The present Enrollment Confirmation is a binding agreement between UHA and the Signer of this document. I understand that Uble teachers could be changed at any time without warning. I understand that UHA will deliver to me "learning services as non-formal education and training" thru an online Course of Study. It is agreed or stated that you or the signer of this document has received all the information of the materials, services, rights, and responsibilities that are your responsibility and is in total agreement with the information received. You also acknowledge having received your User Name and personal password to begin his course in the Virtual Classroom of studies, if you have purchased the optional subscription for all live services. It further understands that with your signature and acceptance of this confirmation of the optional subscription purchase, will be given by the Institution to the beginning of the following academic services; 1) Orientation: of how to manage the program of studies, 2) Correction of examinations, 3) Consultations, 4) Awards by the level of qualification, 5) As well as of the issuance of the training completion Diploma at the conclusion of the program by the trainee, , I also understand that UHA does not issue any Licenses. Both parties acquire the contractual obligation originated by this agreement, I understand that, if I do not attend the live classes, I will still have to comply with this agreement in its entirety.
“Usted reconoce y esta de acuerdo en que no hay otro acuerdo especial de pago que no esté indicado en este contrato"
"You know that there is no other special payment agreement that is not indicated in this contract.
Para que se les otorgue un reembolso completo de la matrícula, los estudiantes deberán cancelar su inscripción enviando un correo electrónico a mail@uhaglobal.com antes de las 5:00 p.m. ,dentro de los tres días hábiles antes de la fecha de su primer pago del programa.
Si la cancelación esta dentro de los 10 días de la fecha de enrolamiento, se descontará en concepto de gastos el 50% de la matricula que ha pagado, pero No se otorgarán reembolsos para los estudiantes que lo soliciten luego de los 10 días de la fecha de COMPRA, SUSCRIPCIÓN O Enrolamiento o Firma del presente contrato. Y no se otorgará rembolso alguno. Hay un pago administrativo por cancelacion de 200 dolares que aplica para todos los casos. Queda a discreción de UHA cambiar los parámetros de la política de reembolso.English Translation I agree with UHA Global's cancellation policyThe cancellation policy is as follows:In order to be granted a full tuition refund, students must cancel their enrollment by sending an email to mail@uhaglobal.com before 5:00 pm, within three business days prior to the date of their first payment. of the program. It will apply 200 dollars of administration fee in all cases. If the cancellation is within 10 days of the enrollment date, 80% of the tuition that has been paid will be deducted as expenses, but no refunds will be granted for students who request a refund after 10 days of the date of PURCHASE, SUBSCRIPTION or enrollment, and no refunds will be granted. It is at the discretion of UHA to change the parameters of the refund policy.
I agree with all terms and conditions describe in this contract, I understand that is a Binding Contract. Your electronic signature on this agreement has the same legal effect as if you signed them in ink.