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Early Years, Child Development and Mental Health

Promotion of good attachment

We are looking at developing training on mental health for the Early Years sector and want establish the level of knowledge and understanding amongst professionals working across this phase. We have created this survey as a way to obtain information on  what the training needs are in order to create a training programme that is useful and relevant to your day to day practice. This will help us to establish areas for training requirements.

Thank you for taking part in this survey. 
1. Within your work do you promote parent/infant relationships 
2. Please rate your confidence in supporting parent-infant mental health 
PoorFair GoodExcellent
4. Do you understand the importance of good attachment and how this can be developed?
I have little understanding of the importance of attachment and how it can be developed.I have good understanding of the importance of attachment and how it can be developed, but I would benefit from more training.I have excellent understanding of the importance of attachment and how it can be developed.Not applicable.
5. Please rate the following:
Space Cell PoorFairGoodExcellent
Your knowledge of the importance of the natural bio chemicals released from the mother to support the development of attachment
Your confidence in spotting if an infant trusts their primary caregiver
Your knowledge of the causes of shame and how prevent it in young children
Your confidence in providing a secure base for babies and infants
Your knowledge of the impact of poor attachment
Your knowledge of strategies to support the development of good attachment
Your confidence in supporting an infant or child with poor attachment experiences
Your knowledge of therapeutic parenting techniques
Your confidence in recognising mental distress in babies
Your confidence in supporting babies and children to develop social interaction abilities
6. Considering the different types of attachments, can you let us know your level of understanding of each (one star = least understanding, five stars extensive understanding).
Space Cell Rating
Secure attachment
How secure attachment can be supported
Avoidant attachment
Interventions you can use when you think a child has avoidant attachment
Anxious attachment
Interventions you can use when you think a child has anxious attachment
Disorganised attachment
Interventions you can use when you think a child has disorganised attachment
7. Are you familiar with the Coventry Grid which summarises the different behaviours of children with ASD and those with significant attachment problems 
YesNoNot sure