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Quest Program Request for Assessment and Parent Perception Form

Page One

You will be contacted with the date and time for both sessions.

This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
Check the box that best describes your child. Cite examples whenever possible.
15. This student demonstrates intense learning through: *This question is required.
Space Cell Almost AlwaysOftenSeldom
Determination to complete assignments effectively and efficiently
Using advanced vocabulary, incorporating it into writing or conversation
Reading for information beyond the facts
Acquiring new skills and concepts quickly; grasping underlying principles and making valid generalizations
Exploring topics of personal interest beyond age level; becoming totally absorbed in an area or particular interest
17. This student demonstrates analytical thinking through: *This question is required.
Space Cell Almost AlwaysOftenSeldom
An understanding of abstract or complex concepts
An interest in challenging situations; approaching problems from varied perspectives; tackling difficult problems and issues which others may find frustrating
A sense of humor reflecting advanced understanding; seeing humor in situations others find humorless
An awareness of relationships; using metaphors or analogies; making mental connections
A willingness to take risks; showing confidence in answers and unafraid to substantiate an opinion from others
19. This student demonstrates strong motivation through:
Space Cell Almost AlwaysOftenSeldom
Working well independently or is able to focus when given directions
Exceeding expectations; doing more than what is required
Working cooperatively as a team member; receptive to the ideas of others
Enthusiasm for assignments; completing assignments on time or prior to due date
Assuming leadership positions; directing others
21. This student demonstrates creative production through: *This question is required.
Space Cell Almost AlwaysOftenSeldom
Fluency and Flexibility; generating ideas, adapting to new situations
Originality; expressing the familiar in unusual ways, offering unique solutions to problems or questions; creating original products
Elaboration; creating detailed projects; turning the simple into complex, adding details
Questioning; asking complex questions, utilizing a high level of inquiry and reflection
Social consciousness; concern for injustice, social issues, and moral question beyond age level
25. If this student is recommended for the Quest program, does your family have an interest in transferring siblings to Parkside elementary to make this your family's elementary school? *This question is required.
26. Do you currently attend one of our BHM Schools? *This question is required.