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HCCA Orlando Regional Evaluation

Orlando Overall Conference Evaluation

In our ongoing effort to evaluate and improve the Orlando Regional Conference, we would like to ask that you take a moment to complete the evaluation below. While your responses on the individual session evaluations are very important to the individual faculty members, HCCA relies on your overall comments to steer the future direction of the program.
Please indicate your response to the following questions by marking the appropriate box. Please feel free to share any comments at the bottom of each session.
Thank you very much for your time and support.
1. How many years have you attended the Orlando Regional Conference?
2. How did you hear about the conference?
3. Do you plan to attend next year's HCCA Orlando Regional Conference?
4. The Conference fee was appropriate considering the program and product delivered
5. The hotel meeting facilities were conducive to learning
6. The food provided was appropriate in amount, selection and presentation
7. The conference addressed topics that were timely and relevant to my learning needs
8. The course materials provided were effective and enhanced the learning environment
9. The faculty were experienced, knowledgeable and professional
10. The teaching methods employed were appropriate in relation to the audience, topic and program format
11. The level of information provided was appropriate
12. Based on what I have learned at this conference, my professional knowledge has increased and my job performance will be enhanced. 
13. I would recommend the conference to a colleague.