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Student / Post-Graduate Research Interest Form

If you are an undergraduate, graduate, or medical student interested in conducting clinical or translational research with the Rady Children’s Orthopedic Division, please complete the questionnaire below. If selected, individuals will be required to complete all training and documentation mandated by the UCSD Human Research Protections Program and Rady Children's Hospital.

Expected Commitments:
  • Individual must be committed to fulfill their role once a project has been agreed upon.
  • The time commitment for a minimal research project would be 4 hours a week. 
  • The individual must convey in writing to the Principal Investigator and Research Director if they decide to stop participating in the research project. 
  • The individual must abide by all policies set forth by the Orthopedic Division, UCSD Human Research Protections Program, Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego, and applicable federal/state regulations while conducting research.
There are 13 questions in this survey.
This question requires a valid email address.
4. Which area of Pediatric Orthopedics are you interested in learning more about? We will do our best to match you to a project in an area of your interest but this cannot be guaranteed.  *This question is required.(Check all that apply.)
  • * This question is required.
5.  Are you a current student at UCSD? *This question is required.
6. Will this be an ISP project as part of your medical school requirement? *This question is required.
7. Is this part of a gap year in your medical school training for the purposes of conducting research for the entire duration?
This question requires a valid number format.
9. Have you already communicated with any of our attending surgeon staff members?(Click all that apply:)
(Hours per week, number of months, etc.)