This research consists of two parts.
Part 1
The first section of Part 1 is comprised of 72 statements measuring different elements of how you perceive your organisation's culture. For each question, you will need to consider to what degree you believe that statement is true for the organisation you work at, by rating it from 'Strongly Disagree' to 'Strongly Agree'. This section will also require you to rank 8 aspects of organisational culture, in terms of how you think your organisation needs to improve.
The second section asks you to assess the frequency that you experience 20 forms of counterproductive behaviour in your workplace.
Finally, you will be asked to rate your direct manager/supervisor on 20 statements relating to their personality; if you do not have one, please consider the individual you work most closely with. You will also be asked to rate yourself on those 20 statements as well.
The questionnaire should take around 15-20 minutes, but if you need to exit the questionnaire and return later, please use the 'Save and Continue' button at the top of the page.
Part 2
After you have completed Part 1, you will be redirected to the Lumina Learning website to complete 2 further questionnaires: Lumina Spark (personality) and Lumina Emotion (Emotional Intelligence), you will also be sent an email with the link for these in case you wish to complete these at a later time.
Your responses to these questionnaires would be very valuable for the research we are conducting, and will also provide you with two personalised reports: one on your personality, and one on your emotional intelligence.
The Lumina Spark and Emotion questionnaires should take around 30 minutes to complete in total, but your progress is saved after each page in case you need to pause and resume at a later time.
Please be assured that all your responses will remain anonymous, with the analysis being undertaken by Lumina Learning, where any analysis shared will be in aggregate form, with no identifying information.
Dr Stewart Desson and Jonathan Cannon, independent psychologists from Lumina Learning, will be the only individuals with access to the data in its raw form, with any data with identifying information being destroyed after it is analysed.
If you have any questions regarding the nature of this research, or concerns about the handling of data collected, please email
Kind regards,
Dr Stewart Desson