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The 2019 State of Artificial Intelligence in Talent Acquisition

HR Experience

Defining AI: For the purpose of this survey, we define artificial intelligence, or AI, as the ability of machines or software to imitate aspects of intelligent behavior. Types and components of AI often go by a variety of other names, such a machine learning, virtual assistants, cognitive computing, speech recognition, chatbots, predictive analytics, augmented intelligence, natural language processing, computer vision,  big-data analytics, robotics and more. 
1. I consider myself knowledgeable about the topic of using artificial intelligence (AI) for the purposes of enhancing the talent acquisition function.
Strongly agreeModerately agreeSlightly agreeSlightly disagreeModerately disagreeStrongly disagree
2. For the purpose of talent acquisition in your organization, to what extent is AI is being used today and to what extent will it be used two years from now? (please provide your best estimate)
Space Cell Very HighHighModerateLowNot at allDon't know
3. What outcomes would you most like to achieve through the application of AI to talent acquisition in your organization? (choose all that apply) 
4. Taken as a whole, how good is the talent acquisition function in your organization? (where 10 is best in class and 1 is very poor
Best in class (10)98765432Very Poor (1)