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18-19 Regional P3 Workshops - Day 1

Day One: Elements of High-Performing PreK-3 Systems: Community Partnerships, Transitions, and Data-Driven Improvement

Thank you for participating in Day One of the 2018-19 Regional P3 Workshops! We have designed this survey to be formative for us and for you. Your feedback on this survey will help us ensure that this professional learning opportunity is beneficial and productive. We are also asking that you complete the planning section, as this will help you transform knowledge and strategies into practice. It will also help us provide better support and help districts/communities and educators connect.
Once you have submitted the survey, your clock hours for this session will be emailed to you within one week. All responses to this survey will be kept confidential.
4. Please indicate the degree to which the statements below are true for you regarding the value of each of the team activities covered in Day One.
Space Cell The activity had limited value to my understanding of P3 and to our P3 work.The activity was valuable and our team was engaged.The activity had significant value and our team achieved new insights.
Activity 1: Mapping Child Development and Learning throughout the P3 Continuum
Activity 2: Team Discussion - Shared Understandings about the Nature of the Work
Activity 3: Mapping Current Efforts throughout the P3 Continuum in Your Community (programs, services, initiatives, funding streams, etc).
Activity 4: Mapping Your EC System (i.e., mapping elementary schools and where children are prior to kindergarten)
Activity 5: Analyzing Current Alignment Efforts (practice at aligning a policy, procedure, activity, etc. throughout system)
Activity 6: Identifying Leaders and Key Players throughout the P3 Continuum
5. Day One helped me think about areas of child development that we should focus our efforts on impacting.
7. Day One helped me think about transitions and children's experiences throughout the P3 continuum.
8. Day One helped me think in new ways about data, including data we will need to help with partnerships, child outcomes, and transitions.
10. Day One helped me think about relationships that we need to form with community early childhood partners.
11. Day One helped me think about our early childhood systems and better ways to align our early learning and care programs and/or partnerships.
16. Overall, Day One of the Regional P3 Workshops