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30 Day Series Post Assessment

30 Day Series - PostAssessment

1. Please Assess the Following Statements About YOU:
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
I believe that global warming is reversible
I can imagine a positive future for humanity
I know ways to turn things around when I feel sadness or despair over the state of the world
I am passionate about doing my part to reverse global warming
I am excited to work on reversing global warming with other people
I know the work I am meant to do at this moment in time
I know my exact next step
My plan of action motivates me
I am familiar with Project Drawdown
I regularly share climate solutions with others
I am grateful to be alive at this moment in time
2. Please Assess the Following Statements About the 30 Day Activation Series
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
I read all the daily posts in the series
I learned something new about global warming
I learned something new about managing my emotions around global warming
I want to share this series with others
The length of the daily posts were just right
30 days was just the right length of time
I looked forward to each day's post
I took action as a result of this series
I plan to take more action as a result of this series
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