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DC Comics "Batman Day" Give Away

1. Batman Day is almost here! Register below to receive your free copies* of Li'l Gotham: Issue 1 (All Audiences) and/or White Knight: Issue 1 (Mature Audiences) - sponsored by DC Comics. Registration closes 12 AM EST on Monday, September 17.

*Each school or library system can choose to receive up to 100 copies of each issue.  The free copies of these titles will remain in your collection under the sales terms supported by the publisher, the earlier of 52 checkouts or 24 months. See the official rules here.

Select the cover image for either one or both titles below.

Please click on the title text to learn more about that title.
*This question is required. Please select from the following images.
2. Registration Details: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
This is the number of copies selected for each title selected above. The max number of copies for each title above is 100. If you selected both and want 100 copies of each, enter 100 here. This question requires a valid number format.