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Attitudinal Survey

1. Think about your personal values–that is, things that act as guiding principles in your life.  Please rate the following statements using a scale where 1 means “Not At All Important” and 7 means “Extremely Important”.   (Select one per row). *This question is required.
Space Cell Not At All Important
23456Extremely Important
Being in tune with nature
Power: having control over people and resources
Faith: having religious faith and belief
Excitement: having stimulating experiences
Being youthful: feeling young
Self-aware: conscious of own character and feelings
Status: achieving higher social status
Success: achievement, accomplishment
Self-interest: putting my interests ahead of others
Duty: obligations to family, community, country
Global: relating to the whole world
Curiosity: trying new things and experiences
2. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. By alcohol beverages, we mean any beverages that contain alcohol, including beer, wine, liquor, mixed drinks, hard ciders, etc.  Use a scale where 1 means “Disagree Strongly” and 5 means “Agree Strongly”.  (Select one per row).
  *This question is required.
Space Cell Disagree Strongly
234Agree Strongly
I am more of a craft beer person
I like to try new brands or types of wine in restaurants
I prefer wine over beer or hard liquor
Beer tastings are a fun way to learn about different types of beer
I like to mix wine with sparkling water or fruit juice
I prefer beer at sporting events
3. Thinking about your opinions and attitudes regarding wine, please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Use a scale where 1 means “Disagree Strongly” and 5 means “Agree Strongly”.  (Select one per row).
  *This question is required.
Space Cell Disagree Strongly
234Agree Strongly
The more expensive the wine, the better it is
I almost always have wine on hand at home
I enjoy searching for great tasting and value wines from emerging new countries or regions
Wine does not interest me as much as it used to
I enjoy introducing friends to new wines that I have discovered