Thank you for participating in this survey, undertaken on behalf of the Institute for Local Government.
The goal of this survey is to obtain your personal perspective.
Your participation and opinions are important, and your responses are confidential.
Participants will be entered into a drawing for a new iPad. To be eligible for the drawing, we will request your name and e-mail. However, this information will be held only by the independent, third party research firm that is conducting this survey and collecting the data (
J. Wallin Opinion Research).
Your responses are anonymous and 100% confidential.
This survey is being conducted by an independent consulting firm, and all results will be recorded anonymously and reported in aggregate.
Thank you again for your participation.
The Institute for Local Government, otherwise known as ILG is the research and education affiliate of the League of California Cities, the California State Association of Counties and the California Special Districts Association. ILG is a non-profit dedicated to promoting good government at the local level and support California's local governments as they work to establish and implement good governance policies and practices to better serve their communities. They conduct research and provide education through technical assistance, trainings, webinars and online and print resources in an effort to: foster ethical, transparent local governments; create active and engaged communities; and ensure elected officials have the tools they need to make informed, ethical decisions.