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VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2018 sign-on

Please read the letter to Phil Roe, Chairman of the Committee on Veteran's Affairs, and Tim Walz, Ranking Member of the Committee on Veteran's Affairs, and submit your name and institution/affiliation to be included as a signee.

April 11, 2018

The Honorable Phil Roe
Chairman, Committee on Veterans' Affairs
United States House of Representatives
335 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Tim Walz
Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
333 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Roe and Ranking Member Walz:
The undersigned individuals, including researchers in the area of health sciences and clinicians, are writing to strongly endorse the “VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2018”. We applaud your initiative, and that of your House co-sponsors, to facilitate objective research on both the potential therapeutic efficacy and risk for adverse effects of marijuana and its constituent compounds in the treatment of pain, PTSD and other health conditions common in the veteran population.
Understanding the characteristics of a broad range of marijuana products, including understanding the impact of variation in potency (i.e., amount of tetrahydrocannabinol in the plant), concentration of other components (e.g., cannabidiol) and route of administration, will be critical for evaluating the health effects of marijuana use.  Rigorous research into the potential therapeutic benefits and public health consequences of marijuana use will lead to more refined cannabinoid medication development through identification of target chemical constituents associated with unique behavioral or physiological effects.  
The National Institutes of Health recently convened a Neuroscience Research Summit on Marijuana and Cannabinoids to address the growing need to understand the basic pharmacology and potential therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids, as well as their deleterious effects.  Information from that Summit complemented the findings of a report published last year by the National Academy of Medicine entitled Health Effects of Marijuana: An Evidence Review and Research Agenda..  Your bill will serve one of the principal recommendations of that report by supporting clinical evaluation of the risk/benefit of cannabis through the research agenda of the VA.

Thank you again for introducing the “VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2018”.  We, as health scientists and practitioners, are united in our support for the conduct of objective scientific research on the health impacts of cannabis use, and for then using that data to steer policy and clinical decision making.  We are eager to assist in any way we can as this bill receives further consideration.


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