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picture of person with disabilityUnderstanding and preventing Restrictive Interventions
The Restrictive Intervention Self-Assessment Tool (RISET-Tas) is an educational tool. It can help you understand how to prevent, reduce or reverse the use of restrictive interventions. It will also provide you with information about the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework that relates to restrictive interventions. Click on the picture to watch a short video about Restrictive Interventions.

The RISET-Tas does not record any identifying information about you, the service you're employed by or the person with a disability you work with. For help accessing this tool, ph (03) 6166 3567 or
If you are using a mobile device eg. smartphone or iPad, select the arrow > at the bottom right of the screen to go to the next page. 

Copyright © State of Victoria, Australia. Reproduced with the permission of the Secretary to the Department of Health and Human Services. Reproduction and other uses comprised in the copyright are prohibited without permission.