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40 Day/40 Hour Wellness Challenge

Welcome to CCSI's 40 Day/40 Hour Wellness Challenge!

On your mark, get ready, get well! 

There are several ways you can participate and several opportunities to win a prize!

Prizes and Eligibility: Employees who participate in either one or all of the challenges will be entered into a weekly drawing to receive a gift card for coffee, a car wash, or movie tickets. At the end of the 40 Day / 40 Hour Wellness Challenge, all employees who have participated in either one or all of the challenges (for the entire 40 days) will be entered into another drawing to receive a one-year subscription to a wellness magazine!

Challenge 1: "Biggest Winner" Weight Loss

Rules: Using this survey, record your weight each week on Friday. For Week 1 of the challenge, you'll record your beginning weight on Monday, 10/2 and your ending on Friday, 10/6. You'll then record your weight every Friday through the end of the challenge on Friday, 11/10. Please use the same scale throughout the challenge to record your weight each week. The goal is to eat healthy and exercise. Everyone who loses weight personally wins! And you still are eligible for prizes in the drawings.

Challenge 2: Track Your Steps

Rules: Utilize your FitBit, a pedometer, an app on your phone, or any other method to track the steps you take each week. If you are participating in the "Biggest Winner" Weight Loss challenge, this is a great way for you to walk or run off those pounds! The goal is to increase your steps each week during the 40 day challenge. Record your total weekly steps into this survey every Friday, starting 10/6 until the end of the challenge on Friday, 11/10.Everyone who increases their steps each week personally wins! And you still are eligible for prizes in the drawings.

Challenge 3: 40 Hours of Community Connectedness

Rules: Community Connectedness is an element of our Wellness@Work program as well as a CCSI Operating Principle. If we have a minimum of 40 employees who each volunteer at least 1 hour of their time during the 40 Day Challenge, we will have achieved our 40 hour volunteer goal. However, we hope to exceed this goal! If you volunteer your time in your community at any time between Monday, 10/2 and Friday, 11/10 - please log the amount of volunteer time and the volunteer service you provided.Everyone who volunteers their time personally wins! And you still are eligible for prizes in the drawings.

Challenge 4: Challenge Yourself

Rules: There are no rules! All you need to do is challenge yourself to improve your personal wellness. That could include anything - for instance: quitting smoking, learn a new skill, paying down a credit card debt, eating more vegetables, taking up yoga, Couch to 5K, commit to recycling...Use this survey to self-report your commitment to wellness and self-improvement. So pick a goal and report your weekly progress every Friday until the end of the challenge on Friday, 11/10. Your progress could be inspirational for others and you will personally win! Also, you are still eligible for prizes in the drawings.

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Remember, you can participate in one, some, or all 4 challenges. Please choose which challenge(s) you want to participate in and keep track each week!
7. Challenge 3: 40 Hours of Community Connectedness (WEEK 6)

On Friday, 11/10 record how many hours you provided volunteer service this week (Saturday 11/4 - 11/10) and where you volunteered: