About the media monitoring tool
This digital gender and media monitoring tool is aimed at monitoring gender in media content. It provides a picture of the number of men and women in the news, the type of stories in which they are found and the roles they play in the news.
The tool is based on 15 years of media monitoring by Gender Links a leading Southern African women's rights NGO that has conducted the largest and most comprehensive media monitoring studies in this region. The tool was developed with Free Press Unlimited, that conducts media monitoring with partners around the globe, the tool incorporates all the parameters of the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) that is conducted voluntarily every five years.
The GL media monitoring tool offers customised monitoring and reporting for different clients to suit specific needs. It allows you to:
• Conduct your own gender and media monitoring project covering one country or more
• Have access to and analyse your own data
• Add to global data on gender and media content for research and advocacy purposes
With the monitoring tool, it is possible to monitor stories from the following media types:
- Television
- Radio
- Newspapers
- Internet news
- Social media
Who can use the tool?
The tool is ideal for self-monitoring by media houses; training of media students; and use by media development organisations to hold the media accountable.