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Customer Satisfaction Survey New

Product / Business Satisfaction

1. Please indicate how satisfied you are with our company in the following areas:
Space Cell Very SatisfiedModerately SatisfiedNeutralModerately DissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied
Technical Innovation of product
Value for price
Quality of product & packaging
Design and appearance
Ease of ordering
Customer support
Documentation provided
2. Has doing business with our company been better or worse than doing business with other AtoN providers? With 10 being "much better" and 0 "much worse"
3. How easy was it for you to select the product(s) you required from our company?  With 10 being "extremely easy" and 0 "not at all easy"
4. Compared to alternative products available on the market, how do you rate the quality of our products? With 10 being "highest" and 0 "poorest"
5. Based on recent experience, will you continue purchasing products from our company in the future?  With 10 being "most definitely" and 0 "most unlikely"