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2016 Arlington County Whole Child Services Inventory - APS (ASCD Framework)


Welcome to the Arlington County Whole Child Services Inventory Survey!

In its 2015‐16 School Board Priorities, the Arlington School Board included direction on establishing a more integrated and formalized approach to ensuring that Arlington Public Schools (APS) fulfills its current Strategic Plan Goal Five: Meet the Needs of the Whole Child. In response, a diverse group of APS community members, students, staff, and County personnel formed a Whole Child Working Group to define APS's vision for supporting the whole child and develop a functional framework that ensures that children in Arlington are challenged, engaged, healthy, safe, and supported. 

As part of this initiative, Arlington Public Schools has partnered with Hanover Research to develop an inventory of school- and county-level services that are currently available to Arlington County children and families to help them achieve these whole child objectives. Please take a few minutes to fill out the following survey regarding the youth programs with which you work.

The survey should be completed once for each program with which you work.  When you reach the end you will be given the opportunity to complete it again for each additional program. If you need to pause the survey and continue taking it later you can do so by clicking "Save and continue later" at the top of the page. 

Thank you for taking the time to provide APS with this valuable information.  Please click "next" below to continue.