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Colorado Nurse Survey - 2 year follow up

Food Allergies in Schools: 2 Year Post-training Survey for School Nurses
A collaboration of Allergy Safe Kids, AllergyHome, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and Colorado Department of Education

2. Indicate the date you attended the 2015 training session:
3. Please select the choice that most accurately reflects how you feel for each of the statements
Space Cell Very confidentFairly confidentSomewhat confidentNot too confidentNot confident at all
How confident do you feel in your ability to manage students with life-threatening allergies?
How confident do you feel in your knowledge about how to prevent exposure to food allergens?
How confident do you feel in your ability to recognize the symptoms of anaphylaxis (a life threatening allergic reaction)?
How confident do you feel in your ability to treat anaphylaxis (a life threatening allergic reaction)?
How confident do you feel in your DELEGATED staff’s ability to recognize and treat anaphylaxis when you, the school nurse, are not in the building?
How confident do you feel in your DESIGNATED staff’s ability to recognize and treat anaphylaxis when you, the school nurse, are not in the building?
4. Please select the choice that most accurately reflects how you feel for each of the statements
Space Cell Strongly agreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly Disagree
It is reasonable to keep allergens out of the classroom where there are students with food allergies.
It is reasonable to not allow outside food (like baked goods, candy or fruit) in the classroom for celebrations or parties.
Students with food allergies are at risk of being bullied by others in school.
If you witness food allergy related bullying it is your responsibility to intervene.
Yearly food allergy staff training is important.
Food Allergies in school are an important issue
Families in your school have reasonable concerns and expectations about the management of their child with food allergies.
Please select one answer for each question

5. Which method is an effective way to clean hands of allergens?
6. Which method is an effective way to clean tables of allergens?
7. Which classroom item may be a source of a potential food allergen?
8. Which of the following sequences of actions is in an appropriate order in the event that a child with a known allergy is experiencing anaphylaxis (a life threatening allergic reaction)?
9. It is okay to wait and see if a mild anaphylactic reaction will resolve before giving epinephrine?
10. If you know a child has eaten a food safely before you don’t need to read the label again.
11. Using a sponge is a preferred method to clean the table tops in the cafeteria.
12. Which of the following would not require epinephrine?
13. Which of the following is TRUE?
14. Which of the following is TRUE?
15. Epinephrine auto injectors are given in the:
16. For students with anaphylaxis, they should be transported to the hospital by
17. When should someone be transported to the hospital by an ambulance?
18. How many times did you use an epinephrine autoinjector since last year’s Regional Workshops?
19. When do you think the next in-person food allergy training should occur at our Regional Workshops?
20. How did the food allergy training impact your management this past year? Check ALL that apply: