Dear Individual on the Autism Spectrum and/or Support Provider,
We invite you to complete the survey on quality of life issues associated with senior adults on the autism spectrum. We hope the results from this survey will provide much insight about the needs and challenges faced by seniors with autism (ages 50 and older) and their support providers. We anticipate that this study will also inspire others as well as better inform the autism community, government agencies, and other welfare and health-related organizations about such quality of life issues.
Once the data from this survey are collected and analyzed, we will contact those who completed the questionnaire and send them a summary report of the findings.
Please read the document titled "Consent to take part in a clinical research study and authorization to disclose health information" carefully. If you agree to participate in this research survey, please check the appropriate box below.
Thank you in advance.
Steve Edelson, Ph.D.
Autism Research Institute
Margaret L. Bauman, M.D.
Boston University School of Medicine