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Jawun Secondee Survey

Survey Overview

Congratulations on completing your secondment! 

We would like you to spend some time reflecting on that experience and telling us about it. Jawun uses this information to inform our practice, and importantly enables us to provide feedback to our partners. Your feedback will also be provided to the Indigenous organisation that you were seconded to.  Jawun promotional material may draw on your feedback (but we will always seek permission before including your name).  

In addition to this survey, you will receive an invitation to join the MyJawun facebook page. This is a place where you can remain connected and continue to share feedback, stories, videos and photographs.  After completing your secondment, you will become a member of Jawun’s Alumni, and Alumni are surveyed every few years. You will also receive a survey one year after you have completed your secondment. These additional survey points provide us with longitudinal information about the impact of your experience. 

Questions with * indicate a mandatory field. 
A 'save and continue survey later' option is available from the second page of the survey (see link at the top of the following page).