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2014 SURFER Magazine Subscriber (Print & Digital) Survey

You're a member of the SURFER community and your feedback and opinions matter a lot to us.

Complete the short survey below and, as our thanks for your time, you will be entered to win one of four sweet Dakine prize packs. Winners will choose between a 36L Carry On Roller bag OR a surf accessory pack including a Kainui Team leash, a Bruce Irons Pro pad AND a Daylight Surf Thruster bag.

So take a few minutes and fill out the survey by December 31st, 2014 to let your voice be heard and for your chance to win!

YOU: The SURFER Reader
1. Are you male or female? *This question is required.
3. What is your current marital status? *This question is required.
4. What is the highest level of education you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
5. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?
13. In a typical week, how many days do you exercise?
14. Which of the following sports or activities have you participated in the past 12 months?
  • * This question is required.
15. What's your surfing ability?
16. How many times per week do you surf?
17. Do you plan to take a surf trip within the next 12 months?
19. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being most likely), how likely are you to recommend SURFER to a friend?
You're about halfway to the end and your chance to win one of our sweet Dakine prize packages!
The SURFER Reader & Magazines
20. Please rate the following magazines or choose "I don't read this magazine"
Space Cell Don't like itIt's okayPretty goodLove it!I don't read this magazine
Surfer Magazine *This question is required
Surfing Magazine *This question is required
The Surfer's Journal *This question is required
What Youth *This question is required
Stab *This question is required
Foam Symmetry *This question is required
Beached Days *This question is required
Desillusion *This question is required
Monster Children *This question is required
21. How much time, in total, do you spend reading or looking through a typical issue of SURFER Magazine?
22. Not including yourself, how many other people usually read or look at your copy of SURFER Magazine?
The SURFER Magazine Consumer
24. Do advertisements in SURFER Magazine influence your purchase decisions?
25. Do the following SURFER guides help you with your purchasing decisions?
Space Cell Yes, definitelySomewhatNoI don't know this guide
Annual Surfboard Buyer's Guide
Bi-monthly Surfboard Design Forum Guides
Wetsuit Buyer's Guide
Summer Gear Guide
Holiday Gift Guide
26. What brands in SURFER Magazine have the most effective advertising? (check all that apply)
  • * This question is required.
27. Have your opinions about brands and products influenced other people's (your friends and acquaintances) purchasing decisions in the last year?
28. Where do you normally shop for your clothes? (check all that apply)
  • * This question is required.
29. How many pairs of sunglasses will you likely buy in the next 12 months?
30. How many watches will you likely buy in the next 12 months?
31. How many surfboards do you purchase each year?
32. Have your opinions about surfboards influenced other people's (your friends and acquaintances) purchasing decisions in the last year?
The SURFER Reader & Digital Media
33. Which social media sites do you actively participate in? (Check all that apply.)
  • * This question is required.
34. Do you watch ASP World Tour webcasts?
35. Please rate the following websites or choose "I don't go to this site"
Space Cell Don't like itIt's okayPretty goodLove it!I don't go to this site *This question is required *This question is required *This question is required *This question is required *This question is required *This question is required *This question is required *This question is required *This question is required *This question is required
The SURFER Reader & SURFER Digital
36. Which of SURFER's social media are you a fan/follower of? (Please check all that apply.) *This question is required.
37. How often do you visit SURFERMAG.COM? *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.