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Project Overview

Researchers would like to speak with younger men and women in Chicago/LA about their interests, passions, goals, and experiences. The purpose of this research is to create a larger understanding of this generation's attitudes and views of their community, career, and their place in the world. This is a collaborative research project with creative exercises and activities.

There are two age groups the researchers would like to speak with:

  • Boys/girls aged 13 - 18
  • Men women aged 23 - 28
If you are a parent of a child 13 - 18, please fill out the application with them. Use the parent's contact information for the project.


Research will be conducted in TWO formats. Participants can only take part in one format:
  • 3 hour In-home Interviews + Journal Activity
  • 2.5 hours Group Discussions


  • CHICAGO: 8/26-29 + 9/10-11
  • LOS ANGELES: 9/2-9


Greater Chicago, Greater Los Angeles


Compensation depends on age and research format:

In-home Interviews + Journals

  • Age 13-18: $250
  • Age 23-28: $300

Group Discussions

  • Age 13-18: $125
  • Age 23-28: $150

Terms & Privacy Policy

The following application includes questions to determine your eligibility for this research project. Completing the application does not guarantee selection. Fraudulent answers on this application are grounds for immediate termination from the study, without compensation. Information collected will never be sold or used for marketing purposes. You can read our privacy policy in detail here. (popup)

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