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Genres of Video Games & Personality Types

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My name is Anthony Bean and I am a Ph.D. student at Pacifica Graduate Institute conducting research on the personality of gamers and the genres they choose to play. This research is being supervised by Gary Groth-Marnat, Ph.D. and if there are any concerns about the research he can be contacted at 805-969-3626 x123.

I want to ask you if you could take 5-10 minutes of your time to fill in the questionnaire. Your answers will be anonymous. You do not need to disclose your actual name or game identity in the survey (so you are individually anonymous), but we will ask you about some background information about your primary video game genre choice, time spent playing, and video games you have enjoyed. This information will be kept private and only used in analysis. If you are uncomfortable answering the background questions, you can leave the question blank.  However, some of the background questions are mandatory because of the nature of the study and require a response. Your private information will not be asked in this survey.

During this questionnaire you will be asked questions about your game playing style, the main genre of video game you play, the amount of time spent playing video games and several other types of questions. These questions are for research purposes only and will not be used to identify any individual playing video games or answering this survey. You will also be asked to answer a quick survey on your personality style and have the option of receiving a summary and brief interpretation of the results at the end of the survey. In order for this to be an accurate representation of your personality, you will need to answer all questions as truthfully as possible. There are no right or wrong answers.

Your participation is highly appreciated, but of course it is entirely voluntary. If you want, you can stop with the questionnaire at any moment. If you already filled in the previous questionnaire, thank you very much and please designate this on one of the appropriate survey questions. Any questions can be directed to me by emailing If you like the survey and found it useful, please feel free to send it to your friends who also play video games. Thank you and please read the informed consent on the next page before beginning the survey!
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