Sage Partners has been commissioned to conduct a private, confidential market survey of the film capacitor industry in North America. In light of the COVID-19 situation, there is industry interest in understanding both potential short-term dynamic impact and a longer-term view for new opportunities and growth applications.
As someone influential in the film capacitor industry, your insights and opinions are of great value. There are 26 questions in five short sections in this survey, and it should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. It may be easier to complete the survey on a computer screen if possible. The sections are about:
- Yourself & Your Company
- Your Products
- Your Supply Chain and COVID-19
- The Future and COVID-19
In return for your time and for sharing your insights, we will send you a complimentary copy of the industry survey summary if you are interested. If you complete the survey, you will be randomly selected to receive one of two $100 Amazon gift cards.*
Your responses will be held in strict confidence. We may quote your narrative answers in our report, but individual attribution will not be provided to our client. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey methodology, please don't hesitate to contact Donald Plumley directly. The survey closes on June 12th, so your prompt response is appreciated.
Thank you for helping us to collect this important information about the film capacitor industry - and we hope the resulting information will be useful to you and your business.
*gift card survey rules