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Survey for BDJ 2013 Power Planner

Survey for BDJ 2012 Power Planner

Hey BDJ Girl!
It's time of the year again for our BDJ Planner survey. =) We're considering something different for 2013 BDJ Planner, and as you know we really want to make sure that we make a planner that will help you live your life to the fullest! =) Answering this survey will take around 30 minutes, please bear with our OC-ness, we really want to hear from you. =) Please note questions with the red asterisk are required for completion. =)

As a small token for answering our survey, we have the following treats for you, girls.
  • ALL COMPLETED survey entries before June 11, 2012, will get an AUTOMATIC 5% Discount for online direct orders on one (1) BDJ 2013 Power Planner. =) 
  • First 500 BDJ girls to answer get 2 FREE BDJ Forget-Me-Not notebooks (Blue & Purple) AND a Forget-Me-Not Pad
  • First 500 BDJ girls to complete AND forward this survey to 10 of her BDJ friends will get an ADDITIONAL 5% discount on one (1) 2013 BDJ planner (making it a 10% discount total) bought from the BDJ website. =) To be qualified, include in the CC (carbon copy) in your forwarded email to your 10 friends. =) 
  • First Round Raffle (June 4): All those who complete by June 3 midnight get a chance to win one of the FREE 20 BDJ 2013 Planners
  • Second Round Raffle(June 11): All those who complete by June 10 midnight get a chance to win one of the FREE 20 BDJ 2013 Planners. (Second chance for those who didn't win in the first round. =)) 

Of course in continuing with our tradition, BDJ girls who suggest a brilliant and NEW idea in the survey (that we haven't thought of, and we decided to implement) will be acknowledged and will get a FREE BDJ 2013 Power Planner. :)

Just to let you know there are 3 Major parts of this survey (1) About Your BDJ Planner (2) About the BDJ Events and Online Stuff (3) About You. There are 7 pages in total, including this page, 2 break pages, and the confirmation page. Hope you indulge us, as we just want to know you better =)

If you have questions, or encounter any problems, please email . Thanks for helping us make you your perfect planner to live out your BDJ lifestyle!

- darlyn =)

Personal Information (We keep your personal info private, and we use it only to contact you if you win any of our treats for answering the survey) =) Please note the email you use will be a required validation of your identity) =)
Location (Country, Province, City)
Please mark all the BDJ Planner editions you have. If you don't have any, please select "Don't have any BDJ Planner". Please select from the following images.
Please SELECT if you USED or DIDN'T USE that year's BDJ edition. (USED/DIDN'T USE) For the years you DIDN'T USE a BDJ Planner - please check all the reasons that apply. =)
USED/ DIDN'T USE *This question is required Reason for Not Using BDJ
Didn't know about BDJ Could not find a copy Found it expensive Wanted Starbucks Planner Wanted Another Planner Received another Planner as a Gift I didn't like this BDJ edition I bought Navi/ CampusBDJ
Year 2007
Year 2008
Year 2009
Year 2010
Year 2011
Year 2012
What kind of planner were you using BEFORE you started using the BDJ Planner?
Check the planner/s you used before BDJ Name of Planner you used?
Coffeehouse Planner (ie. Starbucks, CBTL, SBC, etc)
Other Non-Coffeehouse Stamp Your Way to A Planner (Christmas) Promo
Generic Planners bought from local bookstores
Locally-designed planner bought online
Imported Planners bought from local book/specialty stores/ bazaars/ online
Freebie Planners given as a promo by Companies/ Brands
Planners created by my School/ College/ University
Designed my own planner
I never used a paper planner before BDJ Planner
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