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Strategic Planning Organizational Assessment

Assessing Your Organization's Current Approach to Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Organizational Assessment
This assessment is designed to evaluate how effective your organization is in the area of strategic planning.  According to a recent study by McKinsey & Company, 87% of businesses and organizations in North America believe that formal strategic planning is an important discipline to practice.  By answering the following twenty questions about how your organization approaches strategic planning, you will get a good ideal of the effectiveness of your organization's strategic planning.

Strategic Planning Organizational Assessment

This assessment is designed to evaluate how effective your organization is in the area of strategic planning.  According to a recent study by McKinsey & Company, 87% of businesses and organizations in North America believe that formal strategic planning is an important discipline to practice.  By answering the following twenty questions about how your organization approaches strategic planning, you will get a good ideal of the effectiveness of your organization's strategic planning.

Instructions: Please review the list of effective strategic planning practices. Evaluate the degree to which each practice is followed or observed in your organization.
Space Cell AlwaysMost of the TimeHalf of the TimeOccasionallyNever / Not Applicable
1. We consistently practice formal strategic planning on an annual or semi-annual basis.
2. We utilize a strategic planning meeting in which the planning takes place.
3. We use a process to get input from the front lines when preparing for our strategic planning meeting.
4. We include representative from all functional areas in the planning meeting.
5. Departmental heads are regular participants in the strategic planning meeting.
6. Senior management is a regular participant in the strategic planning meeting
7. The CEO/President is a regular participant in the strategic planning meeting.
8. We invite a few outsiders (such as key vendors, customers, strategic partners) to participate in our strategic planning meeting.
9. We utilize an outside facilitator to help lead the strategic planning process and meeting.
10. We consistently utilize pre-work to direct the gathering of information and data prior to each planning meeting.
11. We utilize a crisp meeting agenda to direct our activities throughout the strategic planning session.
12. We assure interpersonal alignment at the start of the meeting to eliminate silos and ineffective communications that could impede the planning meeting.
13. We align around agreed-upon KPIs and a shared vision of the future at the start of the meeting.
14. We utilize an iterative process to thoroughly discuss the issues and assure we have identified the opportunities upon which we want to work.
15. We prioritize which opportunities we want to address coming out of the planning meeting.
16. We develop a project plan to address each opportunity, fund it and assign project team members and a project leader (from the members of the planning meeting).
17. Each project plan includes objective(s) linked to one or more of the organization's KPIs, specific project plan steps (milestones) to be met, and anticipated obstacles to the successful implementation of the plan.
18. We have an effective process that assures that each project plan is managed going forward, and the progress is visible to all planning meeting participants.
19. The CEO/senior leader is tasked with the responsibility of holding people accountable to meet project plan deliverables in accordance with the plan's timetable.
20. Overall, our senior leaders are well-pleased with the quality, outcomes and effectiveness of our strategic planning process.