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Culligan Marketing Survey 2013

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Find Out How You Compare to other Culligan Dealers & Benchmark Yourself with the 2013 Marketing Survey

This year’s survey is new and improved with the following benefits:

  • Shorter - 10 minutes, no complicated questions
  • Many new/fresh questions
  • Learn which Agencies are performing well according to the dealers
  • Up to three years of personal results to benchmark yourself
Other than to share the results, we promise not to contact you unless you ask us to.

Once completed, you will receive instant access to our exclusive, controversial article explaining:
  1. How you can control more co-op dollars at your local dealership
  2. How to eliminate a big portion of Ad Agency fees
Your answers don't land on deaf ears. Optimized Marketing was launched as a result of your answers from the first survey in 2011. Even if you don't work with us, hopefully you appreciate the added competition and new ideas that have been born out of your suggestions.

Keep in mind that all of your answers are private and WILL NOT be shared on an individual level with Culligan Corporate, any other dealer, or your ad agency. Every dealer who participates will receive a summary of the answers to use for their own benefit.

The survey will be closed after 11/30/13 so please share this survey with your fellow dealers before this date to make the data as useful as possible.
1. What are your top 3 lead sources?
2. Drag & Drop to rank in order of the TOP 3 marketing expenses that take up the majority of your budget (including local and co-op funds). Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
3. How Useful Do You Find Your Marketing Plan?
4. How do you currently manage leads?
5. Which of the following lead source tracking tools do you use? (select all that apply)
6. Who is your Ad Agency?
7. What is your marketing cost per lead (Total Marketing Expense (including top line royalties) divided by # of Leads)?The 2% top line royalty (not the advertising portion) that you send to Culligan allows you to use the Culligan name so this is absolutely a marketing expense.
8. What is your marketing cost per sale (Total Marketing Expense (including top line royalties) divided by # of New Accounts)?The 2% top line royalty (not the advertising portion) that you send to Culligan allows you to use the Culligan name so this is absolutely a marketing expense.
9. What are your biggest challenges with lead-tracking? (select all that apply)
10. How good is your office is at tracking each lead-source?
Not very goodTerribleWe don't track lead sourcesGoodExcellent
11. My OFFline Marketing Agency Does a Great Job at Generating Cost-Effective Contacts
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
If you don't know the answer to every question, don't quit. Fill out what you can and keep going. Some information is better than none! But the more information the better.

For issues, comments, or suggestions contact

Survey provided by