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This survey is aimed at FREELANCE camera operators, video journalists, photographers, stringers and other independents anywhere in the world that take physical risks for their journalism.

From Vaughan Smith of the Frontline Club,

Dear Colleague,

I believe that there is an opportunity, post embed-free Libya, for a practitioner-led initiative to move the industry forward on news safety.

In April this year the Frontline Club will host workshops, bringing management, practitioners and freelances together to discuss the issues.

It is my view that freelance interests have suffered in the past for lack of representation. Opinions on these matters outside the mainstream are broad and no freelance can confidently speak for another.

I intend to take a first step to address this by using the data from this survey to inform the debate on safety. The results will be published but not the names of any contributors.

You would help greatly by completing this survey, which should take less than 10 minutes and I would appreciate if you would forward it to others who you think should complete it. I will email participants the results.

Please feel free to contact me outside the survey on

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