A Survey of Americans' Crash Histories Dear Respondent,
The Transportation Engineering Program in the Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering at
The University of Texas at Austin is conducting a research study to explore the
motor vehicle crash and injury risks of individuals. More than
30,000 Americans are
killed in
traffic crashes each year, and more than 3 million are injured. This research project seeks to better understand what factors put people at greatest risk of crashing, particularly those in crashes that are disabling and fatal.
- The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete.
- The survey will ask questions about you, your vehicle, and your traffic crash history.
- Your individual responses are CONFIDENTIAL. No names or other identifying information will be used in data analysis.
- You are not obligated to participate in the survey and you can stop at any time. But your assistance will greatly facilitate our research and save lives.
- Your input is VERY IMPORTANT, since it is critical that all types of drivers, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians be represented in this survey.
If you have any questions or comments about this study, please feel free to contact me personally at (512) 471-0210. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Office of Research Support at (512) 471-8871. Your completion of the survey indicates your willingness to participate in the study.
Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.
Dr. Kara Kockelman
Professor of Transportation Engineering & Faculty Sponsor