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A Study on the Landscape of Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age

The Marketing and Strategy Department of the Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam, has developed this questionnaire in order to study different types of entrepreneurs. Your participation in this questionnaire is very important in order to better understand the emerging forms of entrepreneurship.

The questionnaire consists of 25 questions and requires approximately 15-20 minutes of your time to complete.

Thank you in advance for your time and contribution.

Part One of the questionnaire consists of 8 questions about your personal background.
5. How many people currently live in your household?
8. Which BEST describes the types of hobbies are you active in?(Multiple selections are permitted.)
Part Two of the questionnaire consists of 1 question about your interactions with individuals in your virtual network and your real world network.
9. Regarding your interactions with individuals in your virtual and real life networks, please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements.
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
I worry about intelluctual property rights protection.
I am recognized by my peers as knowledgeable on a specific topic and am regularly contacted for information by individuals I do not personally know.
I consider my close friends and colleagues to be knowledge specialists in their profession or hobby.
I receive more and better ideas for my business from my online connections than from my real world connections.
I communicate more frequently and regularly with my online connections than my real world connections.
When I need general or professional advice, I first turn to my online connections for help rather than my real world connections.
Over half of the individuals in my online network are also in my real world network.
Over half of the individuals in my online network are colleagues, professional contacts, or individuals with similar work experiences.
Over half of the individuals in my real world network are colleagues, professional contacts, or individuals with similar work experiences.
Virtual customers are more important than real-life customers.
Part Three of the questionnaire consists of 10 questions about your business.
13. How many people are currently employed in your business?
16. Regarding the financials of your business, please indicate to what extent would you agree with the following statements.
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
I am financially secure from income generated from my business.
It was easy to access funding to finance the start-up of the business.
It was easy to access the funding to finance the growth of the business.
I think financial institutions, such as banks, are easy to work with.
Investors approach me about my business.
17. Compare your business with similar companies around the globe and indicate the category your business belongs to based on the following factors.
Space Cell Bottom 20%Middle-LowerMiddleMiddle-UpperTop 20%
Quality of product
Customer growth
Customer loyalty
Profit margin
Sales growth
Probability the business will grow in the next 5 years
18. Please indicate to what extent do you use the following online platforms for your business.
Space Cell NeverHardlySometimesOftenVery often
Second Life
Region specific community or social networking website
Industry specific community of social networking website
Organization specific community or social networking website
My own website
Mobile or iPad platform (such as an App Store)
19. For the online platform you use the most often, please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements.
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
The online platform is easy for me to use.
The online platform has a large audience that is interested in my business.
The online platform theme is in line with my business.
It is easy for me to develop tools for the online platform.
It is easy to interact with customers in the online platform.
It is easy to develop solutions for the online platform.
It is easy to receive analytic reporting.
It is easy to manage the content online.
I am fully satisfied with the online platform.
Part Four of the questionnaire consists of 4 questions about the product or service sold in your online business.
20. Which BEST describes the type of product or service you sell in your online business?(Multiple selections are permitted.)
21. Which BEST describes the activity you engaged in to create the product or service that you sell in your business?
22. If individuals collaborated with you on the idea for the product or service sold in your business, what BEST describes their motivation to work with you?(Multiple selections are permitted.)
23. Regarding the product or service sold by your business, please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements.
Space Cell Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
The idea for my product or service came from a recognized need in my active daily life (not online or in a virtual network).
My personal hobbies strongly influenced the idea for my product or service.
I personally benefit as a customer of the product or service I sell in my business.
The idea for my product or service came from a collaborative effort with other people.
I spend more time per week working on my business than I did in my previous job.
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