Do you get involved in making decisions in your school?
Does everybody get the chance to have their say?
Ydych chi'n cymryd rhan yn gwneud penderfyniadau yn eich ysgol? Ydy pawb yn cael cyfle i ddweud eu dweud?
We would like to find how things can be improved to make sure everyone has a chance to get their voices heard. If you can spare 5 minutes to complete the following questionnaire, you'll also be in with a chance of winning a £50 Love2Shop voucher!
Byddwn yn hoffi darganfod sut gall wella pethau i wneud yn sicr fod pawb efo cyfle i bobl wrando ar eu barn. Os fedrwch chi sbario 5 munud i gwblhau'r holiadur canlynol, bydd cyfle i chi hefyd ennill tocyn Love2shop £50!