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CFP Host Family Reference Letter Request Form

Host Family Reference Letter Request Form

CFP Host Family Reference Letter
Deadline:  April 1, 2025



Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide basic information about yourself and a series of 5 questions about your association with the applicant. Your thoughtful answers will help us evaluate the applicant's suitability as a host for our teen pairs.

If you have any questions or additional comments, please email Tammy Haas, CFP Executive Director, at or phone her directly at 360-907-6991.

This question requires a valid email address.
The family named herein has applied to Creating Friendships for Peace to host two teens under its auspices for two - four weeks in the summer.

  These teens live in parts of the world where their communities are divided by conflict.  Hosting such teens requires sensitivity, objectivity and caring.  We would appreciate your reply to the following questions at your earliest convenience, so that this family's application can be properly processed.  All information submitted will be held in strictest confidence.  Again, if you have information that you wish to convey personally, please contact Betsy Small Campbell, CFP Executive Director, at, or 603.769.9383.
Information of Host Family *This question is required.
Basic Information of Person providing the reference *This question is required.