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Impact of technology in multimedia on people with special needs

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People with special needs are very important part of our society that we need to put into consideration. Nowadays, there are a number of technologies that can help them not only with their studies but even with their social life. This survey aims to know in details about the Impact of technology in multimedia on people with special needs. Your answers will be a great help for us!
1. what is your relationship with the person with special needs? *This question is required.
Please note that from here onward the questions are about the person with special needs only.
4. Kindly select the appropriate information:
Age: *This question is required.
Gender *This question is required.
5. Education level: *This question is required.
6. What is his/her Intelligence quotient (IQ)? *This question is required.
7. What kind of impairment(s) does he/she suffer from? Select more than one if needed. *This question is required.
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