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The Investment and Business-matching session will be held at Belt and Road Summit at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 28 June 2018. These workshops connect project owners & operators, investors, and services providers from related business sectors.投资及商贸配对环节将于2018年6月28日假香港会议展览中心举行,此环节旨在为不同项目拥有/营运者、投资者及服供应商提供交流平台,磋商合作机会,开拓『一带一路』商机。 To join this event, please register for the Summit via our website www.beltandroadsummit.hk. After completing the registration, we appreciate if you can provide your projects' details by filling out this form. Information will be shared with potential investors for reference. 如阁下欲参与是次配对环节,请先登入 www.beltandroadsummit.hk并登记成为『一带一路』高峰论坛参与者,完成后请填妥以下表格,阁下所提供之项目资料将会用作配对之用。 Should you have any question on this Session, please feel free to contact us at beltandroadsummit@hktdc.org. 如有任何疑问,请电邮至 beltandroadsummit@hktdc.org与我们联络。
Please select participants you would be interested to connect with (Please tick as appropriate)Remarks: Subject to the availability of matching party, pre-arranged meetings may NOT be guaranteed.请选择阁下有兴趣会见的论坛参与者 (可选择多项)注: 由于会议安排必须配合其他参加者的意向与日程安,主办单位并不保证能预先安排会议。