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APA Member Comments

Revised Member Agreement Public Comments

In March, the APA Council will be asked to consider an initiative that would realign APA in order to allow the organization to better pursue its mission, expand its advocacy for psychology, and fully address the professional needs of its members.

The restructured APA would house existing advocacy and member benefit development resources, from both the APA and the APA Practice Organization, in a new companion organization, tentatively called the APA Institute for Psychology (APAIP). The APAIP would fund all advocacy and membership benefit development activities, allowing APA to significantly expand lobbying for basic and applied research funding, to enhance its work on issues like student loan forgiveness and graduate education programs, and build a more
sustainable and effective framework for practice-related advocacy. This change would also enable APA to deliver new benefits to members in all areas of psychology. 

All APA members and affiliates would automatically be members of both organizations, but would pay only what they currently pay in APA dues, or are scheduled to pay in the existing APA dues step up schedule. Life members who are dues exempt will continue to pay no dues. APAPO dues would be eliminated under this plan. 

Below, is the revised member agreement that all members will need to agree to if this change is adopted. Today, we are asking for your feedback on the concept and on the member agreement. 

For more information on the proposed change you can view a video message from APA CEO Arthur Evans, watch a previously recorded webinar, download a copy of the frequently asked questions, or view a detailed slide deck. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Please share your opinion with APA, and make your voice heard on this critical issue.

Please note that you are only reviewing and commenting on this agreement today. By participating, you are not actually agreeing to these terms.

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3. Based on what you learned from the available materials, how strongly would you support the plan to transform APA?
UndecidedStrongly OpposeOpposeNeutralFavorStrongly Favor
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