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Program Evaluation TA Event (PETE) Application

Program Evaluation TA Event (PETE)


This 2.5-day technical assistance (TA) event for MPH-level epidemiologists from health department HIV/STD programs will combine peer-to-peer sharing, skills-building exercises, lectures, and work developing personal evaluation plans.
The aim of this event is to increase participants’ capacity to conduct quantitative evaluations of activities related to HIV testing, field services, PrEP, and interventions related to the HIV care continuum.
Where?  The University of Washington main campus in Seattle, WA
When?  We will host two PETE cohorts in 2018:

  • Cohort 1: June 13-15th (half day only on the 15th to allow for travel)
  • Cohort 2: September 11-13th (half day only on the 13th to allow for travel)
*Cohort 2 participants may consider staying for an optional add-on day focused on public health research methods and publication on September 14th. This optional add-on is not funded by the CDC’s Capacity Building Assistance program.

Financial Details:  PETE is a free technical assistance event. If you would like to attend and your health department is not capable of supporting your travel, please apply and contact us to discuss this further. (Contact Sam Benson /

Application Process:  Applying to attend PETE involves these steps.

By February 16th:
  • Complete the survey.
  • Your supervisor or Program Manager must submit a brief email in support of your application. Supervisors should state why they support your attendance at PETE and how they plan to support your Program Evaluation work following PETE. It need not be longer than a few sentences. Please submit these emails to Sam Benson (

By March 2nd we will contact you to inform you of whether we are able to accept you, and to which PETE cohort. We hope there will be sufficient capacity to accept all applicants, but we prioritize keeping the cohorts small to better facilitate peer-to-peer and individual participant-instructor work time.

8. Indicate which cohort(s) you are able to attend. If you are able to attend both/either set of dates, please check both boxes. *This question is required.
9. You indicated that you could attend either cohort of PETE. Please select which you would prefer.