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About the Tool
1. This is a... *This question is required.
If more than one, please submit separate forms for each.
We create a lot of things; help us narrow down which one you're referring to!
This helps us to determine which version of the tool to look at. If this comment is not associated with a particular deployment or client, just write "general."
About Your Experience
2. How was your experience with the tool? *This question is required.
2. How are you feeling?What kind of emotional response did the tool cause for you?
Please describe your...
Device (pc, phone model, etc)
Operating System (Mac, Windows, iOS, Android)
Browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc)​​​​​​​
How would you summarize your thoughts?
Tell us more details!
4. AttachmentsPlease attach any screenshots that help to explain.
About You
4. Are you a... *This question is required.This helps us to better target improvements to our tools.
5. Would you like us to follow up with you?We can update you on changes, or follow up about your specific issue.
Enter your email address below. This question requires a valid email address.