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Measuring Utility/Company Perceptions Towards Water and Wastewater Issues


Thank you for taking the time to participate in this brief survey. NACWA and NAWC have joined forces to conduct a survey on their members perceptions towards select water and wastewater issues. The purpose of this survey is to:

  1. Assess the level of interest among NACWA and NAWC members in alternative delivery models (including public-private partnerships).
  2. Determine utility/company perspective on alternative delivery models.
  3. Evaluate the perceptions of private water companies toward public water and wastewater utilities and vice versa.
  4. Develop a guidance document that will assess the potential for NAWC and NACWA members to collaborate more in the future.

Definition of Alternative Delivery:

For the purpose of this survey, alternative delivery is defined as a bilateral agreement between a public agency and private sector entity. A commonly known alternative delivery model is a public-private partnership (P3 or PPP) and Design-Build-Operate (DBO).

Alternative delivery models are founded on agreements that include sharing operational, financial, managerial responsibilities – and sometimes risk transfer- to ensure the continuity and increased productivity of an asset or infrastructure. For the purpose of this survey, please take P3s and DBOs into consideration while answering questions on alternative delivery.


General Instructions:
This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Your responses are anonymous.

Some questions may not be applicable to you. In such cases, you will have an option to move on to the next question.

If you have any questions about this survey please contact Sapna Mulki at

Thank you!